Committed To Helping You Succeed
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- Consequences of a Domestic Violence Charge
- How to Prepare for When the Hearing Goes Crazy
- I’m Being Accused Based on Something that Happened Off-Campus During Summer Break. Why Is My School Involved?
- Can You Also Help Students Who Are Victims of Sexual Violence or Sexual Harassment?
- The Preponderance of Evidence Standard of Proof for Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Grievances.
- Key Differences Between Title Ix Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedures and Criminal or Civil Court Procedures.
- When Students Are Accused of Violating Title Ix Policy Even Though They Did Not Participate in The Actions Involved
- Will My School Close the Investigation if I Withdraw? Does It Matter if The Complaining Student Withdraws?
- Consent and Intoxication in Sexual Violence Grievances
- Public High School Students Can Face Title Ix Investigations, Too
- Juvenile Court Attorney in Los Angeles, California
- Internet Crime Attorney in Los Angeles, California
- Appellate & Post Conviction Attorney in Los Angeles, California
- White Collar Crimes Attorney in Los Angeles, California
- Misdemeanors Attorney in Los Angeles, California
- Expungement Motions Attorney in Los Angeles, California
- Felony Crimes Attorney in Los Angeles, California
- Juvenile Delinquency Attorney in Los Angeles, California
- DUI Defense Attorney in Los Angeles, California
- The Differences Between Domestic Violence & Dating Violence
- Family Court Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
- How to Combat Sexual Bullying and Slut-Shaming
- Understanding Evidence in a Criminal Trial
- How to Choose Your Defense Attorney Following a Domestic Violence Charge
- How to Handle False Accusations of Rape
- Title IX Hearing for University Professors & Employees
- Murder Accusations: Choose an Experienced Defense Attorney
- What Does “Affirmative Consent” for Sexual Activity Mean?
- Drug Use, Alcohol Intoxication, Blackouts, and Consent
- “They Said They Were 18 and I Believed Them”
- How to Prepare for a Title IX Hearing in California
- The Criminal Appeals Process
- How a Restraining Order Affects Gun Ownership Rights
- Exceptions to Sex with an Underage Person (Statutory Rape) in California
- California’s New Law for Sex Offender Registration Removal
- How A Domestic Violence Conviction Affects Your Right To Own A Firearm
- When Child Protective Services Get Involved in Domestic Violence Claims
- Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence
- When Striking Prior Convictions Is an Option
- What Qualifies as Solicitation of a Minor?
- Understanding Expungement in California
- Can I Have My Records Sealed?
- Are Parents Responsible for their Child's Crimes?
- Are There Alternatives to Going to Jail?
- What to Do if You’ve Been Arrested for Domestic Terrorism
- The Consequences of Parental Kidnapping
- The Costly Consequences of Ineffective Representation
- California’s New Rules for Probation in 2021
- When Hazing Turns Into a Crime
- The Advantages of Hiring a Private Practice Attorney
- What NOT to Do After Being Charged with a Sex Crime
- He Said, She Said: Finding the Truth
- Fighting a Restraining Order
- Dangers of Dating and Hookup Apps
- California Rule Requires Considering Ability to Pay Bail
- What are the Rules for Self Defense in California?
- What to Expect at a Student Conduct Hearing
- When Family Gatherings Escalate Into Violence
- The Consequences of Violating a Restraining Order
- What to Do if You Receive an Academic Integrity Violation
- How Domestic Violence Charges Affect Child Custody
- Should I Still Hire an Attorney if I Think I'm Guilty?
- When Teachers & Professors are Accused of Misconduct
- Going to Court Over Your Student Misconduct Case
- Possible Domestic Violence Defenses
- What Constitutes Domestic Violence in California?
- Restraining Orders and Social Media
- Is Sexting a Crime?
- Defenses Against Student Misconduct Allegations
- Common Challenges of a Title IX Hearing
- Title IX FAQs
- Can I Lose My Teaching License After Misconduct Allegations?
- Key Factors When Alcohol Is Involved in Your Misconduct Case
- Understanding Evidence at a Student Conduct Hearing
- Restraining Orders on College Campuses
- Defenses Against Accusations of Academic Dishonesty
- Why You Need an Attorney to Defend Against Wild Accusations
- Restraining Order FAQs
- Steps to Take After Being Accused of Academic Dishonesty
- What Did the Final Rule Under Title IX Add?
- Does Title IX Apply to Private Schools?
- How to File a Title IX Complaint: A Step-by-Step Guide
- Contact Me
- Title IX Attorney in Los Angeles, California
- Domestic Violence Attorney in Los Angeles, CA
- Sex Crimes Attorney in Los Angeles, California