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How Domestic Violence Charges Affect Child Custody

According to the statistics from the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, there were 278 total arrests for offenses against the family and children in California in 2019. Even when children are not direct targets of abuse or violence in the home, witnessing its occurrence can harm them mentally or psychologically.

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The Consequences of Violating a Restraining Order

According to a recent study, an estimated 2 to 3 million temporary restraining orders are issued in the United States annually. In California, a restraining order may be issued to protect individuals facing legitimate threats—such as domestic violence, assault, abuse, or sexual harassment— from their abuser.

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When Family Gatherings Escalate Into Violence

Family gatherings offer an opportunity for people to get to know their relatives, interact, and spend quality time bonding with loved ones. Unfortunately, a peaceful family gathering can sometimes turn violent due to disagreements, contrasting beliefs, or misunderstandings between family members.

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What to Expect at a Student Conduct Hearing

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), about 28,500 criminal incidents against persons and property on campuses of post-secondary institutions were reported to police and security agencies in 2018. Students in colleges and universities in California and across the United States are expected to follow their schools’ codes of student conduct.

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Understanding Evidence in a Criminal Trial

According to statistics from the Crime in California Report, there were 853,576 total arrests by law enforcement statewide in 2020. When a person is arrested and charged with a crime, a criminal trial will be scheduled to examine the evidence before a law court or jury. However, the outcome of the criminal case will depend on the strength and admissibility of the available evidence. Such evidence may include scientific evidence, physical proof, or witness statements and testimonies.

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California Rule Requires Considering Ability to Pay Bail

According to a report by the Vera Institute of Justice, more than 40,000 individuals are incarcerated in California's jails while awaiting trial. Of these, approximately half are there because they're unable to afford bonds.

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What are the Rules for Self Defense in California?

According to data obtained from a 2021 National Firearms Survey, about 25.3 million Americans have used a gun in self-defense. Under California law, individuals have the right to protect themselves or others against potential harm or danger. However, certain rules guide the use of force or deadly force in self-defense or defense of others.

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The Criminal Appeals Process

In California, the Courts of Appeal review issues and hear appeals in civil and criminal matters from the lower courts. Through the California appellate court, legal mistakes made in a trial court can be resolved.

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How a Restraining Order Affects Gun Ownership Rights

According to the 2018 California Safety and Wellbeing Survey (CSaWS), an estimated 4.2 million adults in California own a gun. Owning and possessing a gun in the State of California is legal. However, you may lose your gun ownership rights when facing domestic violence allegations or if a restraining order has been filed against you.

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Exceptions to Sex with an Underage Person (Statutory Rape) in California

According to statistics from the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, there were about 2,155 total arrests for rape in California in 2019. Under California laws, it is illegal for a person who is 18 years or older to have sex with someone below 18 years, even if the sex is consensual.

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