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California’s New Law for Sex Offender Registration Removal

According to, there are 82,751 total registered sex offenders in California as of May 2021. Under California laws, any individual convicted of certain sex crimes must register as a sex offender with local authorities.

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How A Domestic Violence Conviction Affects Your Right To Own A Firearm

In a study of women in 67 California domestic violence shelters, it was found that handguns were used to threaten, harm or scare 32.1 percent of the victims. Some 39.1 percent of the women reported that their abusive intimate partner owned a firearm during their relationship, a figure almost twice the average rate of gun ownership in California.

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When Child Protective Services Get Involved in Domestic Violence Claims

Statistics from the California Department of Justice indicate that there were 166,890 domestic violence-related calls to law enforcement statewide in 2018. Researchers have long established a link between domestic violence and child abuse. Therefore, when there is a claim of domestic violence, Child Protective Services (CPS) in California can easily get involved.

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Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence

According to the California Department of Justice’s Criminal Justice Statistics Center (CJSC), there were 166,890 domestic violence-related calls to law enforcement statewide in 2018.

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What Qualifies as Solicitation of a Minor?

Estimates indicate that every year, one in five children are solicited online while 50,000 sexual predators are using the web to find them. With those statistics, you can be sure that law enforcement agencies are working diligently to catch and convict those they believe have solicited a minor, whether online or in person.

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When Striking Prior Convictions Is an Option

In 1994, the voters of California approved what is commonly referred to as the “three-strikes-and-you’re-out” law which enhanced prison sentences for repeat offenders. The rationale was that longer prison sentences based on past convictions would discourage repeat offenses, as well as keep offenders off the street for a longer period.

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Understanding Expungement in California

Is a prior criminal conviction making it difficult for you to land your dream job? Were you convicted of a misdemeanor or felony and want to erase the stain of one mistake from your past?

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Can I Have My Records Sealed?

If you’ve been convicted of a crime in California, it will go on your criminal record. However, even if you’re just charged with a crime, but the case is dismissed or you’re acquitted, that also will show up on your public record, making life difficult for you. Arrests that lead to no charges also become part of your public record.

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Are There Alternatives to Going to Jail?

In many cases, there are indeed alternatives to incarceration, starting with probation. If your offense falls under certain penal codes or programs, probation may be offered. You may even be afforded a sentencing alternative, including community service or home detention.

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Are Parents Responsible for their Child's Crimes?

According to a recent report from the California Department of Justice detailing Crime statistics in California, there were over 43,000 juvenile arrests statewide in 2019. In the State of California, offenses committed by minors under the age of 18 years are typically referred to the juvenile delinquency court system.

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